How to describe the sound of a gunshot
How to describe the sound of a gunshot

how to describe the sound of a gunshot

It is likely that different shotguns will express a difference degree of choke. This aims to focus the shot of pellets to ensure that they do not spread too much when fired. The end of many shotgun barrels is designed to incorporate a feature known as the choke, which is a decrease in barrel diameter. Both of these types of weapon are subject to having their barrel decreased by criminals, producing the “sawn-off” shotgun. Double-barrel shotguns encountered may contain a hinge at the barrel, allowing the shooter to open the weapon to reload cartridges. Single-barrel weapons can be further classified as single-shot, bolt-action, pump-action, lever-action or self-loading. Shotguns are available as either single-barrel of double-barrel. Finally, in a revolving cylinder weapon, pressure on the trigger causes a cylinder containing the cartridges to rotate, positioning a new cartridge so that it may be fired. This ejects the spent cartridge case and loads another. An amount of gas leaks into this port and unlocks the bolt, allowing it to move backwards. Gas operated firearms include a gas port and, until the bullet has passed this point in the barrel, the bolt is locked. In recoil operated or blow back weapons, pressure generated by the ignited propellant drives back the bolt.


Manual action firearms require manual reloading by means of a mechanical device such as lever or pump action. Some firearms are bolt action, meaning a bolt ejects the spent cartridge and, when pushing forward, picks up a new cartridge and places it in the chamber, cocking the trigger during this process. The manner in which a firearm is loaded after each shot will vary depending on the type of weapon. However in weapons such as revolvers, the cartridge will remain in the firearm until the shooter removes it. If the firearm is self-loading, a bolt will move back and pull the cartridge case out of the chamber, leading to it being ejected from the weapon. Following discharge, a number of events regarding the used cartridge case may occur depending on the type of firearm. As the gunpowder is ignited an expansion of gas occurs which, confined in a small space, eventually forces the bullet down the barrel of the firearm. This contains a mixture of sensitive chemicals which rapidly burn, producing sufficient hot gases to ignite the propellant. As the trigger is pulled, the hammer-mounted firing pin is forced forward to strike through a small hole in the breech face, hitting the primer cup. The firing pin is generally mechanically restrained and, when the firearm is cocked, the firing pin spring is compressed. This round consists of an outer cartridge case, a bullet, some form of propellant, and a percussion cap. Finally, terminal ballistics, also known as impact ballistics, refers to the study of the projectile striking a target.Īlthough there is a wide range of types of firearm, the basic theory behind how a projectile is fired is fairly generic – the weapon aims to convert chemical energy into kinetic energy in order to expel a projectile from the firearm.Ī round is first loaded and locked into the breach. Following this, external ballistics deals with the bullet’s flight between leaving the firearm and striking a target. Internal ballistics refers to the processes inside the firearm, the minute space of time between the shooter pulling the trigger and the bullet exiting the muzzle of the gun. The study of firearms and firearm ballistics is often divided in internal, external and terminal ballistics. During investigations in which the use of firearms is suspected, a number of artefacts may be collected for examination, including firearms, cartridge cases, bullets, live ammunition, trace materials, and any material damaged by a projectile. This area of study examines the path of a bullet from when it leaves the firearm up until it strikes the target. Closely linked to this is ballistics, which relates to the flight path of projectiles, often associated with forensic science during the investigation of firearms. Firearm investigation is a specialty of forensic science focusing on the examination of firearms and related subjects.

How to describe the sound of a gunshot